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Belt system and Meanings of TKD (ITF)

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Belt system and Meanings of TKD (ITF) Empty Belt system and Meanings of TKD (ITF)

Post  Cneeson Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:24 am

For some reason the first thing that alot of people ask is, what are the belts of Taekwondo? This is a short description of each belt and the theory behind each colour. Some coours vary depending on the club and country you practise in but these are the originals that Grand Master Choi Hong Hi set and are the most popular today. Here is the list from lowest rank to highest:

The white signifies innocence, that of a beginner who has had no previous knowledge of Taekwondo
A white belt grading mainly consists of simple techniques and getting to grips with basic terminology, for example learning the dates and tenets of TKD, nothing major so if your a beginner don't fret, everyone was there once.

White with yellow stripe
The Yellow belt signifies Earth from which the plant sprouts and takes roots as the TKD foundation is being Laid[i/]
The belt system works that there are six colours and between each colour there is a 'middle belt', with both the higher ranking colour (yellow in this case) and the colour from your last belt (white in this case) this concept sometimes confuses people but is easy to get to grips with. This has a little more terminology but nothing to worry about just learn the yellow belt meaning and practise Chon Ji and you'll will excel.

The Yellow belt is the belt that most people get to then drop out of Taekwondo, it has been statistically proven, hopefully you will not be one of those people. Dan Gun is pretty fun to learn and unusually (being the second pattern) is one of the favourites among blackbelts. The examiners are looking for good walking stances in this one as much as your chambers but don't over tense yourself, remember to keep loose and relaxed.

Yellow with green Stripe
[i]Green belt signifies the plants growth as Taekwondo begins to develop

Another good pattern, Do san is a test of your stance changing skills as well as hip twist. Make sure it is easily noticable that you are switching your stances durning the pattern and that your chambers remain good.

This is another popular drop out belt for people, usually due to the patterns boring them. Won Hyo is the green pattern, some parts maybe a bit tricky but nothing crazy yet, master the circular blocks and really work on your balance in prep for the bending ready stance at the end, this stance is used extensively in later grades so get it looking good now.

Green with Blue stripe
Blue belt signifies the heaven (sky) in which the plant matures into a towering tree as TKD progresses
This is probably around the time in your career (bare in mind your halfway to being a black belt) That youll start to get interested in sparring, you've seen the others do it and you really wanna get in the ring. Now is definately the time if you haven't already to purchase some gear. (Buyers tip: Unless your instructor doesn't allow, get EVERYTHING off ebay second hand, people would be iffy about it but steep it in disinfectant once you get it and it will be good as new, as well as this you'll shave around 70-80 pounds worth of money off the price tag, I've placed at the English, Irish, N.Irish, European and World Championships-all with second hand gear, so don't think it makes a difference Wink .)

Blue is the grading you are required to spar. There is only one reason that they make you spar during a grading, and that's to make sure you won't seriously injure someone, its a test of your self control and mindpower. Don't work on attack but not on defence either, make a good balance, but when you are scoring points don't push them off into the audience, this is the only time I've ever seen anyone fail a grading is for using excessive contact, so don;t worry the other person will be just as anxious as you.

Blue with Red Stripe
Red Signifies danger, warning the opponent to stay away and for you, the wearer, to exercise caution.
The big thing for this grading is one step, get five good ones, with the best at the start and middle, and do them with such conviction that you would thing from your kihaps that you were in the street. Also remember you are now a SENIOR belt, you are superior to others now and should set an example, remember chambers as they are so important as well as strong stances.

Red has one of the most grueling pre grading inspections in martial arts, the instructor will bring you to your physical limit, this is purely to make sure that you are physically fit enough to be a senior grade, to be the best of the best. Don't worry if your sick, if you are sick and continue on you will get a lot of respect more than someone who has just given up. Also get out and do some competitions as this builds a sense of achievment as well as giving you the feeling that your part of the wider TKD community, don't get stuck in the Dojang.

Red with Black Stripe
Black is the opposite of white, signifying the wearer's efficiency of TKD and how far they have came since they were a beginner.
Terminology is big here as much as anything else, you need to know your terms inside and out because they can ask you literally anything. Your chambers and stances should be immaculate as well as your pattern.

I myself am grading in October so am bang in the middle of intense physical and mental training, I will put up a new thread with advice solely for black stripes training for their 1st Dan as I know how demanding it can be both mentally and physically. A link will be edited in once october is over

I hope that this helped and if you have further questions do not hesititate to PM me. Good luck for your grading Smile
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